Monday, 27 August 2018

Baby carrier: How to wear it safely

Is it safe? Is this safe? Is that safe? I think this is one of common questions parents ask themselves whenever they introduce something to a child. Same goes to baby carriers. Any safe baby gear that is used incorrectly, can be dangerous. 

This guide is really a basic one. If you need hands-on guidance, you can seek help from babywearing experts or ask in the MBW fb group to troubleshoot. This guide is to be followed AFTER you find a good ergonomic baby carrier. 

1) Airway: Ensure baby's airway stays open. How? Follow RULES TICKS. 

2) Body positioning: Baby must be M-shaped positioned in the carrier from front view. Tak boleh terkangkang besar. There must be also knee-to-knee support which means no hanging knees. Baby's knees must be higher than bum. This is important for baby's hip and growing bones. 

Image result for m shaped position baby carrier
Knees at M position (front view)
Image result for m shaped position baby carrier
J shaped (side view)

Crotch/narrow-based carriers cause hanging knees
3) Comfort: Carrier should be comfortable for both baby and babywearer. Bila pakai tu, rasa sedap dan snug. Pernah sekali tu, suami saya tak ketatkan salah 1 shoulder strap SSC betul2 ketika kendong Kawthar dan bila balik rumah, dia sakit belakang. Bila beban tak betul2 distributed, badan si pemakai pun boleh sakit. 


1) TIGHT - Pastikan badan si pemakai rapat dengan badan bayi. Boleh rasa badan bersentuhan dan baby carrier tak longgar. Bayi tak boleh slumped down dalamnya. Must fit well. Untuk SSC, kena adjust di bahagian semua buckles dan untuk Ring sling, adjust di bahagian ring. Lain carrier, lain caranya. 

2) IN VIEW AT ALL TIMES - Maksudnya si pemakai boleh nampak muka bayi just by glancing down tanpa ada kain yang menghalangnya. Sesetengah baby carrier ada hood untuk halang dari cahaya matahari contohnya BabyErgo Adapt. Kalau nak pakai tu, mungkin jangan lama-lama atau selalu buka hood untuk periksa keadaan bayi. 

3) CLOSE ENOUGH TO KISS - Nak cium kepala bayi, tunduk je! That's the indication of the closeness. Kalau tak boleh, maksudnya bayi terlalu rendah dan kena betulkan laras tinggi baby carrier. 

Image result for rule ticks baby carrier

4) KEEP CHIN OFF THE CHEST - Posisi ini penting untuk pastikan bayi senang dan boleh bernafas. This is particularly important for small babies as they don't have good control of neck yet. Mengikut pengalaman sendiri, biasanya Kawthar sandar pipi dia pada chest Baba/Mama. 

5) SUPPORTED BACK - This can be achieved when baby is held closely and the carrier covers her back comfortably to ensure natural back positioning. Bila carrier longgar dan tak fit well, bahagian belakang bayi mungkin akan slumped down. 

Image result for rule ticks baby carrier
  Wear your baby safely!

Happy babywearing. Till then.

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