Sunday, 19 August 2018

Preparation for Newborns 2.0

Despite the excitement and fun, parents really need to carefully do the budget. There will be more things to spend on after baby is born so you may want to avoid regrets after lavish spending. After having been through that period, I could say I was satisfied with most of the products but had few items-I-regretted-buying 😅 My humble advice is if the products is not in the list, do a thorough search and ask people around!

Items with ** are GOOD-TO-HAVE. The rest is MUST-HAVE. 


Image result for cute breast pumpImage result for nursing cover

                              Breast Pump                                           Nursing Cover

For feeding section, the needs are vary accordingly. So, I don't put any ** in this section. Housewife mothers may not need much apparatus as working mothers do. During my confinement period, my baby was hospitalized for 2 weeks and I had to leave her for long hours sometimes due to exams I was facing. So, I tried to be well prepared beforehand. I had to send pumped milk to hospital daily and needed to ensure there’s always adequate stock. Mummy’s milk is always the best so only opt for formula milk when necessary.

Breast pump sekarang tak mahal macam zaman dulu. Dulu orang beli jenis manual sebab jenis automatik mahal. Jenis manual ni penat tau nak tekan2. Harga pun berlainan berdasarkan keperluan. Jika bekerja, eloklah berbelanja tinggi sedikit untuk breast pump yang lebih berkualiti sebab itu akan jadi macam kawan baik mummy. Saya target pakai sebulan+ sahaja jadi saya beli jenis murah, jenama Real Bubee. As long as it serves the purpose, I didn’t mind.

Bedding set ni saya letak good-to-have sebab benda ni memang comel tapi bukanlah satu keperluan. Selalunya 1 set ada tilam/nest, bantal, selimut dan bolster. Bayi tak perlukan bantal dan selimut, tilam sudah cukup. Kena hati2 bila guna bantal dan selimut sebab ada kes baby lemas bila bantal dan selimut tutup muka (sebab tangan selalu gerak2).


Image result for carseat pinkImage result for baby carrier white

                                    Carseat                                     Baby carrier (wrap)

Carseat sangat penting ya! Walaupun Malaysia tiada lagi undang2 yang mewajibkan penggunaanya, parents perlu ada kesedaran letak anak dalam carseat. Kadar kematian dalam kemalangan yang membabitkan kanak2 agak tinggi di Malaysia. Harga paling murah untuk carseat yang elok dan certified adalah Rm300. Boleh follow FB group Malaysian Carseat Support Group untuk gali lebih banyak ilmu lagi.

Untuk bayi kecil, saya lebih suka pakai baby carrier berbanding stroller. Mudah dan cepat. Diaper bag pula kalau ada beg jenis yang banyak compartment, boleh saja guna. Dan ini antara hadiah yang selalu orang bagi. Kawthar dulu ada 4 diaper bag!

Clothes detergent for babies exists because babies have sensitive skin. It is usually plant based. Some normal detergents could be too irritative for their skin. I still use baby's detergent and wash Kawthar's clothes separately with mine eventhough she's 1+ year old now.

That's all for a simple guide on preparing for newborns. Hope it helps!

Till then,



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