Saturday 6 February 2010

La belle Malaisie

Mr Brad
"Which part of Malaysia is your hometown? Kuala Lumpur? Penang? I've been there, you know"
"Neither..I don't think you know. It's in western coast..Teluk Intan, Perak."
"Is it near by Ipoh?"
"Yeah, kind of!" (at last, he knew Perak)

Nur, an Iraqi
"Are you from Malaysia? Oh god..I want to go there for my honeymoon!! (haha) I saw it on magazines, the beach is so beautiful."

"My mum was born in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia cos his dad was a British army there. She still goes there sometimes."
"Oh yeah..Malaysia was colonized by British a long time ago."

Zaynab, a Mauritian girl
"Guess, guess of the first people who came to Mauritius were Malay people. If French didn't colonize Mauritius, Malay would be our language! Gosh..imagine if we speak the same language!"
"Man...that IS cool!"

(Menurut sejarah, orang Arab dan Melayu mengenali Mauritius seawal dekad ke-10. Mereka adalah kelasi-kelasi kapal atau mungkin juga orang yang dibuang negeri (negara?). Belanda menjajah Mauritius pada tahun 1638 dan Perancis menjajahnya pada tahun 1715 dan menamakannya Île-de-France (Island of France). Bahasa utama mereka adalah Mauritian Creole, French dan English.)

UAE woman
"I've never been to Malaysia but all my family in my country have. Everytime they go on holiday, it must be in Malaysia! I am not sure why the like it so much."
"You should go is indeed a beautiful country." (Promote negara sendiri, pastinya ;) "InshaAllah I will, one day!"

Ms Dav
"I stopped there only for a few hours (transit in KLIA) then I took a taxi to go to Kuala Lumpur cos I really want to see the twin towers. I bought a piece of cake when I was there but they didn't have change and I only had 50 ringgit! And they gave it away for free. Ohh..Malaysians are so nice.."

Former British Army in Malaysia
"Excuse me..are you from Malaysia?"
" do you know?"
"I was an army there and yes of course I know, you look like Malay." (Askar Inggeris tuuuhh!) -amazad-
Out of the blue, he said "But Britain is much better than Malaysia, isn't it?"

Pepatah mengatakan "Hujan emas di negara orang, hujan batu di negara sendiri, lebih baik di negara sendiri" yang bermaksud negara sendiri adalah yang terbaik. Tapi saya masih keliru dan tak faham pepatah ni. Ye la kan...emas dan batu mestila emas lagi mahal. Lainla kalau batu berlian atau emerald ke. heh.

Ada sesiapa boleh huraikan?


Kak Has Cardifff yg dah balik Mesia said...

Haha! Akak suka posting ni!!
Seronok membacanya!

Indeed.. I love Malaysia the most!

Depa panggil emas sebab masa tuh ekonomi kan bergantung pada harga emas. Sekarang ni pun. Ekonomi takkan bergantung pada harga permata, berlian, mutiara, etc.. Dan biasanya org yg merantau ni gi meniaga kat negara orang :p

Qurrata 'Ayun said...

kita pun suka posting ni!! hehe =)

ok..I think I quite got it. Thanks for ur explanation!

miss you kak has!

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